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The perfect combination of art and technology is visual effects. Feature film and television productions are similar to hatching a startup company. Each production has starting investment capital and must staff up quickly to build a new product that the audience will buy. Some standard hierarchies form, but everyone must solve unique problems along the way. They must use existing technology or invent new tech where existing tech doesn’t make the cut.

Infrastructure is critical for the whole show to work successfully. The infrastructure must be flexible enough to make a quick pivot while also being reliable and maintainable. It must be built with foresight where the developer can observe current patterns and anticipate the future. Observing a problem, addressing it quickly, and designing systems to be prepared for the next project. This is the methodology I applied while directly supporting the visual effects infrastructure on feature films. And afterwards, supporting the ever growing library of television and features.


Every business has unique challenges that must be translated into software form. This translation is an iterative design process. An ability to think from many perspectives is key to satisfying the business and customers. For example, when developing an API, the developer must anticipate how it affects business goals, how external customers will use it, how an internal frontend developer will use it, how future developers will maintain the API, and so on. This is why experience in many domains is so valuable.


It’s important to fully understand how different systems work to implement effective changes, or start from the ground up. Observing problems, learning the fundamentals and designing an adjustment back into the right direction. Having an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Applying new technology in the right places. And understanding that it’s possible to learn from anything and anyone.

Please reach out if you’d like more information and are interested in working together.